Sunday, February 24, 2013

20. Cederberg Day 2

On the second day of our trip to the Cederberg, we went wine tasting at Cederberg Wine Farm. We cycled from the campground to the farm. First we went on a tour to the vineyard, they told us how wine was made and they also told us about their sales. Then, we went to the farmhouse to try some wine. It was really nice.

After the wine tasting, we cycled back to the campground. We were going abseiling that afternoon. We had to gather our stuff and hiked to the top of the cliff. The abseiling was quite scary and it was about 30 meters high. We had to wait really long before we could do the actual abseiling, as the ropes still had to be set up. After all it was really cool doing the abseiling! :)

That night, we were going to do our solo's, meaning that you had to spend a night on your own. We were being dropped with our sleeping bag and mattresses, we all got a gas stove, pan, and pasta. We sat in the back of a closed pick-up truck and we were dropped by Mr Court, one by one. I was dropped last and my spot was a little sandy beach next to a small stream. I set up my mattress, sleeping bag, and gas stove and started cooking my pasta. It was very windy, cloudy, and cold that night. After I had eaten my failed pasta, I listened to some music in my sleeping bag. Eventually, I fell asleep under the dark night skies. I woke up at midnight as it was drizzling. I was really cold and a bit hungry, so I ate a double Snickers bar. I woke up again at three in the morning, the clouds had gone away and the stars were out. So I gazed the stars for about an hour. I saw fifteen shooting stars and one satellite. This was the best part of my solo. I fell asleep again and woke up at six in the morning, I made my way back to the campground, which was about a half an hour walk. 

Once at the campground we shared our solo-stories. One of us had gone back to the campground in the middle of the night, as she had heard baboons in the bushes next to her sleeping spot.

The Farmhouse 
Cederberg Vineyard 

My solo spot

19. Cederberg Day 1

On Monday, all the exchangees went on a camp to Cederberg, the camp is called the Post-Matric mini EPIC. Cederberg is a mountainous area to the north of Cape Town. All the post-matrics and exchangees gathered on Monday morning in front of Bishops' chapel. We drove to Cederberg in two small school buses. It was a three-hour drive to Cederberg and we stopped halfway through at a petrol station with a small shop where we bought food. The last hour of our drive was over dirt roads through the mountains. 

We finally arrived on top of a mountain. We were told that we had to cycle the final 23 kilometers to our campsite. We all got on our mountain bikes and took loads of water as it was really hot. The cycle took us about an hour. When we arrived at the Sanddrif Campsite, we set up our tents.

Then, we all got into our swimming costumes and we walked to Maalgat, where you could jump off cliffs. The highest cliff was about 15 meters high. It was really cool to jump off that one, though it was also quite scary. 

That evening we had chicken with vegetables for dinner. We sat around the bonfire and it was really cool.